From the day he was born over 2000 years ago to the day he died thirty-three years later he was known as Jesus Josephson, the son of Joseph, the carpenter from Nazareth. For millions of people over the succeeding centuries he was never more than that. To be sure everyone who knew him said he was the kindest, gentlest, most loving person they ever met. Good man, they said, a very good man. Too bad he was killed as a common criminal even though the authorities who ordered his death really had no legal reason to do so. He had broken no law. But bad things have always happened to good people haven't they?
Jesus Josephson: some said he not only was kind and caring, he was a good preacher, too. They did wonder how he got so smart with what little schooling he had. They said he could keep an audience enthralled for hours. They even missed a meal and did not even realize it. They seemed to be only hungry for the food for thought that flowed so easily and readily from him.
Jesus Josephson: not only was he a good man, one who spoke both well and profoundly, some said he even worked miracles. He gave sight to the blind, made lepers clean, healed the paralyzed and even, believe it or not, raised people from death. But you had to be there to believe Jesus Josephson was more than a special and gifted man. To believe Jesus Josephson was anything, any one, more than that, well, there have been countless people over the millennia who did not and have not.
On the other hand, there have been countless millions more who believe Jesus Josephson was more than a very, very good man who loved deeply, taught well, worked miracles and was put to death because he was somehow perceived as a threat to the authorities. There are those of us who believe this Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, God’s anointed one, and not just the earthly son of Joseph the Carpenter.
Not only do we believe that Jesus Josephson, Jesus Godson, if you will, was put to death; we believe he was raised from death. What’s more, we even believe that we will be raised from our death to new life with this very same Jesus. What this new life will be like we have not the foggiest notion. But we also believe that it does not matter. What matters is that we will be raised to new life in our death just as Jesus was raised to new life in his death. We are willing to be surprised as to what that life will be like.
And so we who believe that Jesus was always more than Jesus Josephson, was God’s son, is God’s son, come together every Sunday (hopefully!) to celebrate our belief that he is who we say he is, that he was indeed raised from the dead, that we will be raised as well.
For those who believe Jesus was no more special than any other good person unjustly put to death, Sunday is just another day. But for those of us who believe Jesus is the reason for the way we choose to live our lives, the model and example of what it means to be human, then every day, not just Sunday or even special days, is a very special day indeed. Celebrate today!
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