Monday, December 30, 2024


As individuals and not simply as individual Christians each of us has a responsibility to maintain ourselves materially, physically and spiritually. We are all aware of this fact especially if we our out of shape in any one or in all of these areas. Perhaps it is at the beginning of a new year that we are even more aware of this responsibility, New Year’s Resolutions seemingly being the order of the day as the calendar changes from one year to the next.

Resolutions to do something are always in order when that which we deem to be resolved is quite pressing. We don’t make such resolutions only at the beginning of a year. When we are finally grasped by the importance of the issue at hand, we stand back and decide that we had better do something about it before the problem gets totally out of hand and we will be in over our heads.

Of course, resolutions without a plan are meaningless. Perhaps that is the reason why so many of the resolutions we make, no matter when we make them, are never fulfilled. The issue that we want and need to deal with is no simple matter. It is quite complex even if we can name it in one short sentence. “I need to lose weight.” “I need to get a job.” “I need to get my spiritual life in order.”

The problem becomes even more complex when there are multiple issues that demand our attention. If we are overweight, out of work and have little or no spiritual life, we are in for a long and difficult journey just to get ourselves to a maintenance level. That is the first step in getting our lives in order. In fact, most of us would be content simply maintaining our life on an even keel. Any growth would be a blessing.

Yet, simple maintenance is not easy as we know from daily living. When one part of our life starts to go haywire, it affects the rest of it. When we are physically ill, our spiritual life ebbs and our ability to take care of our material responsibilities is weakened. When our spirits our low, so is our resistance to any temptation to do not do what needs to be done on the job.

So how do we formulate a Plan that will help us not only get our life back on an even keel and then maintain it for a long enough time that will then allow us to plan for some growth? Would there were a simple answer, a simple one- or two-step formula for success. But there is not. The only road to maintenance is the one-step-at-a-time, one-day-at-a-time method.

Growth will only be measured in increments and any recognition of progress will be noted perhaps six months to a year later. That may not seem very encouraging but it is the truth.  Life today, in this world of ours of instant communication and constant change, is never simple. Nevertheless, change, growth is possible, if we want to make those changes necessary to maintain a sound mental, physical and spiritual life. Such change and such growth will never come easily, but it won’t come at all if we are not willing to resolve to make the effort and then do what is necessary to make that resolution a reality.

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