you ever stopped to think how important God is in or lives? We’ve heard many
times that without God we can do nothing, and we nod our heads and say
“Sure”. We know it’s true, of course,
deep down inside us. But it often seems that we only acknowledge the important
if God in our lives in times of crises.
let a child get sick or a loved one hurt or let there be a serious need
somewhere and we almost immediately run to God expecting – sometimes demanding
– that God help us. There is a problem we cannot solve and we want the Problem
Solver to do something about it – and do it in the way we want it done.
wrong there. That’s human and, I dare say, Christian. In our entreaties to God
we are certainly acknowledging the fact that God has something to do with the
way the entire situation comes out. We are, let us not forget, in praying to
God expressing our faith in God. How strong that faith is, for the moment, does
not matter. What matters is that we do have faith in God. Without God there are
some things we cannot do, that are beyond our abilities to reckon with.
there is another side to this coin, another side to our relationship with and
faith in God. On the one hand we can quite honestly say that without God’s intervention
there are some things we want done that won’t get done: miracles – major, minor
or in-between. These are up to God to do and ours to ask. The other side of the
coin is the fact that without my asking, there are somethings God will not do.
see, when we pray “thy will be done”, we are praying and saying that we not
only want what we are praying for to be God’s will, we also want it to be done.
God will not do anything for us that we do not want to be done. That may seem
obvious or even heretical. It is neither. God does not force God’s will upon
us. God only works in and with and through us. God wants and needs our
cooperation. If we don’t give it, God won’t force it. But God demands it in
order to be God in us. That is not to say that God does not work in our lives.
God does. But it is to say that God is only as important to us as we allow God
to be.
follows, then, that the more we allow God to be a part of our life, the more
God will be. The opposite is just as true. Perhaps what it all boils down to in
our everyday lives is the fact that much of what happens to us is really
dependent upon us because it is dependent upon our relationship with God. If we
allow God into our lives, if we are constantly seeking God’s will for us, the
more God’s blessing will abound.
it is up to us. Without God there are a lot of thigs that we cannot do, But
without me, without us, there are an equally large number of things God’s won’t
do because God cannot because you and I won’t let God.