Sunday, December 17, 2017


Paul reminds us that the gospel is certainly not of human origin (Galatians 1:11). If the gospel were of human origin, it would make much more sense. There would be no hero being killed but rather the hero conquering the world. There would be no miracles as these are beyond human capabilities. There would be straightforward talk and not convoluted advice by way of parables that asked more questions than they answered.

There certainly would not be commands about turning the other cheek, walking the extra mile, having care and concern for those in prison, forgiving always, and on and on. All that may make one kind and caring but it certainly would not be of assistance in making one successful in this world. As Paul would opine later, the gospel is truly foolishness for those who do not believe. In other words: nonsense.

Of course that is also why Paul had a very difficult time preaching that gospel. It was and is not of human origin. No sensible person could make it up and no sensible person could or would believe it. And that was Paul’s constant message. If what he preached was true, that truth had to come directly from God and, even more, Paul himself had to believe that that is from where this gospel proceeded.

Today we receive the gospel message from ordinary human beings, people who have not received the same kind of revelation that Paul did. Nevertheless, like the people to whom Paul was sent to preach, we believe this gospel to be of divine origin even though it has been handed down to us through people just like us. The truth is that the gospel Paul preached makes no more sense today than it did in his day. In other words, once again, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense!

So why do we believe this gospel to be true? Why do we model our lives on the messenger of this gospel? Why do we take his words to be the commandments we use to guide our lives? Why do we believe that what seems like nonsense is not? Why?

The answer is quite simple: we have had a divine revelation no less that the one Paul had. No, we did not see visions or hear God’s voice. Ours came in a much less observable manner. In fact, we probably did not even know that we received a revelation when it was taking place. It was non-sensible. We may not even know when it took place. Unlike Paul, the fact is that most of us do not.

Somewhere in our life’s journey we came to believe in this gospel. That was our divine revelation. That is the moment when we came to believe that all this foolishness is not so foolish after all. In fact, far from being foolish, it makes total sense and it is the way we have chosen to live our lives. Faith is a gift from God, a revelation of God to us that the gospel is true, is believable and must be followed.

Our faith makes sense out of nonsense even though we never sensed when that change came about, understand how or why it happened, but it did and we are thankful. Now to live it each day even when it might seem like nonsense to do so.

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