Thursday, December 18, 2014


If I had it in my power, I would love to give each and every one of you a gift a day for the twelve days of Christmas. It wouldn't me a material gift. Rather, I would give gifts that would last. If I could, then, this is my wish gift list for the twelve days of Christmas.   

On the First Day of Christmas my wish for you is a thankful heart in gratitude for the abundant blessings in your life and especially for the greatest blessing of all: God's Gift to us: Jesus.

On the Second Day of Christmas my wish for you is an open hand to reach out and touch someone who somehow believes that there is not much for which to be thankful.

On the Third Day of Christmas my wish for you is a smile on your face to brighten the life of just one person whose life seems so dark.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas my wish for you is to be a faithful friend for someone who just needs a friend.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas my wish for you is a sense of wonder and awe at the goodness of God and the goodness of others, freely given.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas my wish for you is a moment of peace amid the hectic lives we all seem to live and wish we did not.

On the Seventh Day of Christmas my wish for you is the grace and strength to forgive someone who has hurt you and perhaps doesn't realize it or maybe does but doesn't even seem to care. It may be the greatest gift you can give both to the other and to yourself.

On the Eighth Day of Christmas my wish for you is that you accept the forgiveness Jesus's birth and life and death and resurrection grants unconditionally. It is the greatest gift of all.

On the Ninth Day of Christmas my wish for you is an open mind to accept others just as they are, if only because we want others to accept us just as we are.

On the Tenth Day of Christmas my wish for you is a sense of thankfulness for the sadness and disappointments of life knowing that the cross is a gift we will never understand.

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas my wish for you is to understand that the material is never better than the spiritual, that it only seems that way, and only for the moment. The spiritual is eternal. The material always passes away and is never enough.

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas my wish for you is to discover that the real meaning of Christmas is the giving of love every day.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...


Thank you, I needed Days 1-5 right now.