There are times in my life when I try to remove every
thought from my head, rid myself of every distraction and simply concentrate on
God. Those times are always few and far between, and always, always, always
fleeting. I try in my imagining to grab hold of God, the concept of God out
there somewhere before anything and everything began. I get that far and then
get stopped dead in my tracks when I ask myself how God got there. I have no
answer for that and so I quickly move on to whatever was occupying my mind before
I foolishly thought about thinking about God.
And yet, even though I cannot even in the slightest way
imagine who God is, how God is or anything about God that might be
intellectually satisfactory, I still believe in God. There are those, we call
themselves atheists, who will say that I am foolish. “Why put any faith in a
being you have no way of understanding,” they would ask. “Just move on and deal
with the reality that you can prove exists instead of wasting your time on some
being who cannot be proved?” they would argue.
I would have no logical response but only a faith response;
and that would be that I simply believe in God even if there is no possible way
that I can know for certain that my God exists, Even more, there is no way I
can prove that my God loves me unconditionally, created and still creates
everything that was and is and will be or that my God always forgives me even
when I do not deserve to be forgiven. I simply believe all that and more and do
not need proof that any or all of it is true.
Father Ron Rolheiser says that we believers know God as a
light so bright that the light is perceived as darkness. In other words, God so
overwhelms us with what we can see and perceive that we become blinded by the
light of it all. We end up seeing only darkness when we want to see God and so
we give up on that intellectual pursuit and allow ourselves to get back to
being disturbed by whatever it was that was distracting us from thinking about
That sounds, seems, crazy, I know. And it probably is. But
that is what atheists, non-believers, do not see. They see God as darkness, as
not being there or anywhere, and thus not being period. What has happened is
that God’s light is so overwhelming, so bright, that they have been blinded by
it, blinded by God’s reality, that they believe their only response is to
assert that God does not exist. It is akin to not seeing the forest for all the
trees, is it not?
In the final analysis, I think, the only difference between
believers and unbelievers is that, although both have been blinded by the light
of God, non-believers look into the darkness and see nothing, while we
believers look into that same darkness and see everything; we see God. We see
God with the light of faith. We can’t explain it. We can’t understand it. And
we hardly ever want to go down the road of trying to understand it.
I know all this sounds crazy to those who fail to see the
light within the darkness. I also know that it is only faith that allows us to
see when we are blinded by the light.
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