Thursday, June 20, 2013


We all have those days, days when we just don't want to get out of bed and don't really know why we don't. We just don't. But in spite of it all, we do. We dig ourselves out from under the all-so-comfortable covers, stand up on our feet, put one foot in front of the next and head off to the shower hoping that simple movement will get us moving for the day. It usually does, does it not?

Most of the time just taking that first step, as difficult as it sometimes is, and it truly is often difficult to do so, is enough. We simply need to get started on the day. But there are indeed days when even taking that first step, let alone simply crawling out from underneath the covers, almost seems to be an impossibility. All we want to do is drag the covers over our head and go back to sleep and then, when we re-awake, hope to find the energy and the desire to get out of bed and get going.

Yes, there are truly times in our lives when a good night's sleep just is not enough. We are still physically drained when the alarm clock goes off and we do need to get a little more shuteye.  The real issue, however, are those times when we truly have no desire to get out of bed. We're not tired from over work or over exertion. We had a good night's sleep. Tossing off the covers, getting out of bed and beginning the day is not the issue. The issue is the lack of desire to simply do so. If asked why we feel that way, we would have no answer other than, "That's just the way I feel. Period."

A kind and loving questioner would respond, "Welcome to the club. Been there, done that myself." That response may not be any consolation at that moment because logic does not trump how we feel. It does not matter at that moment that we know everyone feels as we do at times. We just don't like that feeling, can't understand why we feel the way we do, and no amount of sane advice or logical explanations will make us feel better. We feel the way we feel and that is that!

Feelings aside, knowing that countless others at that moment are feeling the way we do, are struggling like us to get out of their beds, nevertheless, we know we have to get out of bed. We and they really have no choice. Together we will begin our day by placing one foot in front of another, hoping, trusting, even praying that the effort will get easier as the day wears on and soon will almost seem effortless, or almost so.

This is a faith issue, is it not? We believe that God created us for a purpose and that purpose was not to hide under the covers when we do not feel like facing the day ahead. We believe that God will give us whatever grace, whatever strength we need to toss off the covers, even if it takes a ton of effort, sit up, place our feet on the floor, and then place one foot in front of another as we head off to start the day. And we believe God will continue supplying that same grace and strength throughout the day.

The only thing God will not do for us is take that first step. That step is up to us. After that God will walk with us every step of the way as God always does. Sometimes that is all we need to remember in order to take that first step.

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