Doing so may be human nature. It may also be the product of
the world in which we now live and especially in this great country of ours. We
are blessed to live in this country and because of that we are so much more
blessed than those who live in other parts of this world, parts of the world
sociologists call The Third World or the Three-Fourths World. We take our
blessings for granted and only, rarely, if ever, it often seems, pause to give
thanks for them.
Truly, because we have so much for which to be thankful,
gratitude should be a way of life for us. The word itself, gratitude, comes from the Latin word gratus meaning “thankful”. Gratus
is close to gratia which means
“grace” – which gives us a clue as to why we should be thankful in the first
place, which is why we should never, ever take our blessings for granted.
We are graced people, you and I. We have done nothing to deserve
that grace, nothing at all. Why we are so graced and why so many others are not
is something we can neither understand nor explain. All we can do, all we
should do, is be thankful to God for so gracing us and not, not even once,
compare our gifts, our blessings, to those of others or, worse yet, somehow
begin to believe we deserve those blessings. We do not.
Gratitude should be like a fuel that gives power to our
lives. It should propel us to be the person God created us to be, endowed with
the gift’s God graced us with, so that we can become a source of grace and
blessing to those who are not so blessed, while not judging them for their lack
of blessings but, rather, being thankful that we are so abundantly and
undeservedly blessed.
One can only wonder what this world would be like if we,
each and every one of us, lived a life of gratitude. Instead of being envious
of those we deem more blessed, we would share some of our blessings, some of
our time and talents and financial resources, to help bless those who do not
have what we have in abundance. Instead of hoarding our blessings, we should
share them with those in need. To live more simply so that other may simply
live is living a life of gratitude.
Good people that we are, and we are good people, we
sometimes can find ourselves not doing what we know deep in our hearts we
should be doing. It is so easy to get so caught up in our own little world that
we forget about those who are not part of our world. Living a life of gratitude
not only makes those with whom we share our blessing more blessed, it make our
live even more so. We know that when we have done that. We just need to make
gratitude a way of life and not simply an occasional part of it.
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