Over the years we all have heard people attempt to define the real meaning of Christmas. Yet, the meaning of Christmas is so deep and so personal words truly fail when we try to get at the root of this celebration. That does not mean we do not make an effort to explain the truly unexplainable. Thus:
A friend of mine sent me a story that reminded me about the meaning of Christmas, or at least one of the many meanings of Christmas – it being quite difficult to make the meaning of Christmas so concise. In truth the story has nothing to do with Christmas and yet it has everything to do with the meaning of Christmas.
The story is about two brothers who lived on adjoining properties but who were at odds with each so much so that one brother brought in a bulldozer to create a creek between their properties. The other brother decided to do the other one better by hiring a carpenter, who providentially appeared on the scene, to build an eight-foot fence alongside the creek so that he would see neither his brother’s face nor his place anymore.
Both brothers were away for the day. The carpenter worked all day on into sunset and built not a fence but a bridge spanning the creek. When the brothers returned to their homes that evening, they were shocked, especially the creek builder who, before his brother could utter a word, crossed the bridge, extended his hand in friendship and praised his brother for such an act of brotherhood. When the carpenter turned to leave, both brothers asked him to stay as they had more work for him. The carpenter thanked them but said he had to go as he had more bridges to build.
Christmas, in more ways than one, is the celebration of the birth of The Carpenter among us. Jesus came to build bridges where humanity has built creeks and walls and fences. Jesus came to remind us that we are all brothers and sisters one to another no matter who we are, where we live, the color of our skin or anything else that might differentiate us one from another. We are all God’s children and nothing we say or do will ever change that, creeks, rivers and oceans, walls and fences notwithstanding.
Christmas and our Christian faith is all about building bridges where there are fences, building bridges where there is a gulf. Christmas is about bringing us back together where we have drifted apart. Christmas is about being the first one to cross to the other side to bring reconciliation and peace. Christmas is about being willing and daring to build the bridge and take the first step.
Like Jesus we are all called to be carpenters. That is the mission and that is the ministry Jesus has given to us and which we, in and through our baptism, have accepted. It is neither an easy mission nor often a pleasant ministry to fulfill as we have all discovered over the years. But it is a wonderful, joyful and exhilarating opportunity to live the meaning of Christmas each and every day of our lives. May we accept it and dare to live it to the fullest.
Merry Christmas.