Monday, October 14, 2024


Some of my best friends are lawyers. That is no joke even though for every lawyer there is at least one lawyer joke that, while close to the truth, misses the mark. Next to clergy lawyers are the most ridiculed and maligned professionals. For every ten clergy depicted on television, nine are absolute idiots or complete fools. Lawyers, at least on television, get a better break. Lucky them.

All that notwithstanding, someone once observed – and not in any way slandering or maligning lawyers – that as Christians we are called to be witnesses, not lawyers. And that we are. The problem, of course, is that too many of us who profess to be Christians and far too many of us who are in positions of leadership, namely we clergy (and bishops, too), spend an inordinate amount of time and energy in being lawyers than in being a witness to our faith.

Playing lawyer (and, of course, judge and jury), is the easier way. One does not have to be a lawyer to stand in judgment of another, to call someone to task for not living out her faith as she is supposed to do, to proclaim certain actions to be sinful and those who commit them to be sinners. One does not have to stand in the pulpit to be a bully. All one has to do is open one’s mouth in critique and criticism.

That is not to say that we should be uncritical or, even worse, ignore wrongs when we see them being done, when we observe sin being committed. Silence in the face of wrong is just as sinful as the wrong being committed. It takes courage to call a spade a spade, to confront the guilty party.

Most of us fail mightily in this regard. We excuse ourselves by claiming another person’s sin or misdeed is none of our business. Jesus was never silent in the face of sin and wrongdoing. He got himself nailed because of his honesty and outspokenness, but he knew he had no other choice. He had to speak no matter how difficult that would be and no matter the consequences to his personal wellbeing. So do we.

However, the point at hand is that is all to easy to take another person or a group of people to task, to name them as sinners while taking the high ground and proclaiming oneself to be free of that particular sin. It is much more difficult to plug away at our faith, living it as best we can from day to day, failing often, asking for forgiveness even more often, and letting our loving actions speak to those who may be less so.

We are indeed called to be witnesses and are instructed to leave the judging to God. If we want to take anyone to task, if we want to put anyone on the witness stand and grill that person with a skillful lawyerly cross exanimation, the first person who should take the stand is ourself. If we held ourselves to the same standards as we hold others, both we and they might be better off and better people.

We are called to be witnesses to our faith in Jesus, first, last and always. If we have any time left over, we might use it to rest rather than pretend we are the prosecuting attorney.

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